Patience: Spiritual Fruit & Evidence of Love

 I thought I would share a few brief thoughts on the believers' call to be patient. God’s Word has some wonderful things to say about patience. First, patience is far more than the ability to wait for future gain. It really refers to the maximum amount one can endure before becoming angry or annoyed. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul illustrates that patience is one of the characteristics of love itself. Furthermore, he goes on to write that patience is evidence of spiritual rebirth as it is one of the fruits produced by the Holy Spirit in the life of God’s people. (Galatians 5) As a fruit of the spirit, we know that patience is ultimately the reflection of God’s own character. 


Question: Why is patience so important?

Answer: A patient soul is one which rests on God’s perfect timing and character. It walks by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) Its trust is in the perfect timing of a perfect God. It waits patiently for God without the need for instant gratification. A truly patient person is one who trusts in the Lord with all their heart. I pray that we will learn to be patient. May we not lean on our own understanding but trust in the Lord with all our hearts. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Remember, God’s timing is never off.