More Love to Thee, O Christ

It’s nearly impossible to turn on the television or scroll through a page on social media without seeing something related to the Coronavirus. Grocery stores are slammed with people stocking up on supplies preparing for the worst. In the general public, there seems to be fear-based hysteria at the turn of every corner. All of this seemingly stems from the fear of potential illness or suffering.  In God’s Word, we are commanded to have a unique and seemingly counterintuitive perspective on such matters.  

In the book of Isaiah, there is a little-known verse on sickness. After nearly losing his life to an illness, King Hezekiah said, “Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish.” (Isaiah 38:17) It really shouldn’t be surprising to us that Hezekiah viewed a life-threatening illness as a means of grace in his life.  After all, God who is entirely sovereign has promised us that he will do all things for the good of his people, even that which seems most uncomfortable or difficult. (Romans 8:28)  

This week in worship, we will be singing a hymn titled “More Love to Thee, O Christ” written by a woman named Elizabeth Payson. Elizabeth was no stranger to sickness, she suffered from chronic illness for much of her life. In 1856, two of her children died and Elizabeth began suffering from overwhelming anxiety as her health also diminished. In this difficult time, she began working on a poem-prayer which became the wonderful hymn we will sing this Lord’s Day, “More Love to Thee, O Christ.” What is the proper response to illness, suffering, and anxiety?  It is more love to Christ! This is the deepest need of our souls which overcomes even the worst of circumstances!